Should you be unable to access the Plex server on the network as well as outside the home or office, you may have a misconfiguration of your NAS, which may include discrepancies between the router or access point and the unit.

How to enable remote access in Plex Cannot access server on LAN This is the required port you need to have open but others can be added for additional Plex services like DLNA. How to forward ports on a router differs between manufacturers but the details you need to know are as follows: Or you can go down the manual route by opening up a port yourself. Universal Plug and Play (uPnP) can be enabled to allow Plex to "talk" with the router and have ports and routes opened up for access from the outside world.

If you're able to access the Plex server using a client on the same network but are unable to connect outside, the most likely cause of the problem is the router.