
Lightroom photography plan
Lightroom photography plan

lightroom photography plan

Also, these programs handle individual brands' camera raw files differently a program that works well and offers excellent results for me and my camera might not cut the mustard for you and yours. Similarly, because they use different raw engines, each gives distinct looks to the photos it processes. Therefore, making direct comparisons is difficult. Some allow advanced image editing, while others require you to open a different program.

lightroom photography plan

If you want raw development, then they all do that too. If you want a DAM program, they all work. I'll mention the unique selling points of each, but this isn't an in-depth review. Consequently, I only concentrate on computer-based programs and not comparing the cloud services that some offer, nor the phone and tablet apps. I am also writing this for desktop (or laptop) editors. Others rely on external plugins to do those functions. Some come with integrated AI-based noise control and sharpening.

lightroom photography plan

Some features are common to many programs, but not all: HDR processing, panorama stitching, focus stacking, sky replacement, watermarking, and time-lapse creation. Not all include advanced image editing, although most raw developers have some degree of local adjustments and simple tools like spot removal and graduated filters. All these packages include DAM (digital asset management) and raw development. When choosing what you need, there is a balance to be achieved between cost and functionality. This article is a brief introduction to the various programs out there.

Lightroom photography plan